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Hello visitor! I am Darshit Patel and I am currently pursuing my Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Tech University, VA, USA.

I am a robotics enthusiast with interests in the development of autonomous vehicles, unmanned systems, AI, and medical robotics. My current research is related to motion planning and control of autonomous and connected vehicles.

Apart from this, I am a huge sports fan, especially F1, soccer, cricket and NBA. I love to be in touch with the internet trends and latest technology.
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Contact: +1 540-824-0814 |

May 2022 - August 2022

Engineering Development Group Intern

MATHWORKS Inc. | Stateflow Semantics team

  • Worked as a software development intern at Mathworks with the Stateflow development team.

  • Worked on problems of graph traversal and developed a feature for converting any Stateflow graph to a Direct Acyclic Graph.

  • Created a class for DFS traversal of any Stateflow model to return various properties of the graph using Visitor Pattern Design.

  • Used C++ as the programming language and Stateflow for testing.

August 2021 - May 2022
August 2022 - Present

Graduate Teaching Assistant (Part-Time)

VIRGINIA TECH | Mechanical Engineering Department

  • GTA for Sophomore level course ME2004 - Engineering Analysis and Numerical Methods for three semesters.

  • Conducted MATLAB in-class exercise lectures, weekly recitation sessions, weekly MATLAB doubt-solving sessions, setting-up assignments/quizzes, and grading assignments/quizzes.

  • GTA for Junior level course ME3414 - Fluid Dynamics Lab.

  • My responsibilities include setting-up apparatus for the experiments, supervising the lab sessions and helping the students if needed, and grading of the lab reports

May 2019 - August 2019

Mitacs Research Intern


  • Worked on a Passive Battery Thermal Management System for Electric Vehicles by embedding Li-ion cells into high porosity metal foam.

  • Analyzed the heat transfer rate and temperature uniformity of the battery pack.

  • Click here for more details about the project.

June 2018 - July 2018

Production Intern


  • Worked as a product engineer at the Modular Fabrication Facility of L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering, Hazira Manufacturing Complex, Surat. The project I assisted on was the fabrication of pressure vessel for IOCL Bongaigaon.

August 2021-Present(May 2023)

Master of Science (GPA - 3.95/4.0)


  • Research at Automotive Systems and Intelligent Machines (ASIM) lab under the supervision of Prof. Azim Eskandarian. My research includes Motion Planning for self-driving vehicles and V2V communication of connected vehicles.

  • Coursework: Optimization Techniques In Engineering (ME 5794); Advanced Machine Learning (ECE 5424); Computer Vision (ECE 5554); Nonlinear Systems Theory (ME 5994); Adaptive Control Systems (ME 6574); Applied Linear Systems (ME 5554); Robotics & Automation (ME 5704).

July 2016-June 2020

Bachelor of Technology (GPA 9.37/10)


  • Obtained a major rank of 12 out of 231 students in the Mechanical Engineering batch of 2020.

  • Relevant Coursework: Fundamentals of Computer & Programming, IC Engine & Automobile Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Dynamics of Machine, Tribology & Machine Dynamics, Machine Design - I & II, Mechatronics, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Mathematics - Linear Algebra, Vector Calculus, Numerical Techniques.

July 2014-June 2016

Gujarat State Higher Education Board

T&TV Sarvajanik High School

  • Obtained first rank in High School amongst Math major students of High school.

  • Scored 99.78 percentile rank amongst all the Math major students of Gujarat State.

Projects and Research

Motion Planning of Self-Driving Cars        Aug 2021-Present

  • Working on my Master's thesis at the ASIM lab under the advice of Prof. Azim Eskandarian at Virginia Tech, VA.

  • Implementing different sampling-based path planning algorithms for self-driving vehicles at an unsignalized intersection using MATLAB programming. Implementing and comparing RRT, RRT*, Informed RRT* and probabilistic RRT (pRRT).

  • The gif embedded herewith shows one of the crossing scenarios with the pRRT algorithm.

  • Compared the algorithms for various scenarios involving multiple obstacle vehicles and multiple lanes.

  • Improved the baseline pRRT model for online replanning in complex scenarios with faster execution time.

ASIMcars and Autonomous vehicle               Aug 2021-Present

  • I am currently a part of Autonomous Systems and Intelligent Machines (ASIM) lab at Virginia Tech University which is headed by Prof. Azim Eskandarian.

  • Built a full-scale autonomous vehicle using CARMA platform for experimentations and data collections of Vision systems, Motion Planning algorithms, and control of connected vehicles. Paper can be viewed here:

  • Working on small scaled autonomous vehicle robot to test and implement motion planning algorithms. The paper can be found here:

Trajectory planning for autonomous racing using Non-Linear Model Predictive Control               March 2022-April 2022

  • Developed a system using NMPC toolbox in MATLAB for generating time-optimal trajectory for a racecar for a known track.

  • Used the parameters of 3 different classes of racecars (F1, LMP1, LMGTE) to develop a non-linear dynamic bicycle model to define the dynamics of the vehicle.

  • Used Track data for various F1 circuits to map the track and obtain the optimal trajectory for each of the three vehicle classes for comparison.

  • Conference paper accepted at MECC 2022 to be presented in October 2022. Paper can be viewed here:

Electric Go-Kart | Team Phoenix Racing       July 2018 - Feb 2019

  • As a part of our college's FSAE team, we developed an electric go-kart and participated in the 6th Electric Go-kart Design Challenge held at India's premier F1 track, "The Buddh International Circuit" in February 2019.

  • I was responsible for the design of vehicle dynamic systems (steering system, wheel hubs, and the weight distribution) of the kart, 3D modeling of various vehicle components using Solidworks, thermal analysis of battery pack, and the structural analysis of wheel hubs. I was also responsible for maintaining the treasury of the team and hence make a cost-report for the kart.

  • The autocross and skidpad events being the tests for suspension and steering systems, I was extremely satisfied when we obtained first position in both the events.

  • This was the first time our team entered an electric vehicle design competition and we won 7 different awards at the competition including the title of Champions of E-GKDC 2019 in our first attempt at the competition.

Battery Thermal Management System     May 2019 - August 2019

  • I got an opportunity to work as a Globalink Research intern and work at the Heat and Mass transfer lab under the supervision of Prof. Shohel Mahmud at University of Guelph, ON, Canada in the summer of 2019.

  • I performed the battery discharge test at different discharge rates to obtain the temperature plot at the surface of a single Li-Ion cell.

  • This study can be used to calibrate simulated batteries working as a substitute for the real cell, as working with Li-ion batteries can be dangerous.

  • I created a passive system using porous media to study the heat dissipation through the embedded simulated battery cells. I tested 5different samples of porous media with varying pore densities and porosities studied the effects of these porous media parameters on heat dissipation by observing the Ra-Nu variation for heating and cooling cycles at 5 different discharge rates.


Air Shock-Absorber | Capstone project    August 2019 - May 2020

  • As my undergraduate capstone project, I worked on development of an air shock-absorber for two wheeled vehicles under the guidance of Prof. Hemant Nagarsheth.

  • This project aims to use atmospheric air instead of compressed air for damping the oscillation of a suspension system.

  • I developed the 3D model of the system and the quarter-car model of the proposed system and tested it on the Simulink environment. 

  • Due to Covid-19 outbreak, the experimentation of the system could not be completed and hence only the simulation study was submitted as the capstone project.

Lane detection

As a start to image processing and perception for self-driving cars, I implemented a lane-detection algorithm using OpenCV library in python3. Click on the project name for a link to the Github repository.

MPC control

I developed python codes for the lane change maneuver using PID control and the Model Predictive Control. I used the kinematic bicycle model for the dynamics and the Linear Time-Invariant system for the PID and MPC control. I observed the difference in tuning of control parameters and oscillatory response between PID and MPC techniques.

SLAM using Kalman Filter

As a part of a Coursera project, I implemented an error-state Kalman Filter for state-estimation and localization of a self-driving cars using LIDAR, IMU and GPS measurements. I also implemented basic least square estimator, linear Kalman filter and an extended Kalman filter using python.

Line-Following Robot

Made a Line-following robot using IR sensor arrays and Atmega32 microcontroller for detection of white line on a black background. Incorporated a weighted sensor algorithm for tracking the white line.

Won a line-following robot contest in our freshmen year at our college level.

All-terrain robot

In my freshmen year, I made a simple wired robot with a gripper mechanism to complete various manual tasks including moving balls from one place to other via a rough terrain. The bot reached the final stage of an all-terrain vehicle contest.

Indicator Mechanism

Designed an indicator mechanism using a pantograph linkage and spring-pulley assembly to trace an enlarged (distinguishable) P-V curve of an IC engine


Software skills

C++; MATLAB Programming - Automated Driving toolbox, Control toolbox, Navigation toolbox, Vehicle Dynamics Blockset; Python - Keras, OpenCV; Robot Operating System; Linux systems

Other Tools

Solidworks, Simulink, CARLA Simulator, ANSYS Mechanical-Fluent and structural, ADAMS/CAR, AutoCAD, 

Machining Skills

Manual Lathe, CNC programming, Drilling, Grinding, Soldering, and Electric Arc Welding


Motion/Behavior planning, Probabilistic path planning, Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Visual perception for robotic systems, Control of robotic systems, 

Mentoring Chair | Mechanical Engineering Graduate Students' Council (MEGSC)
August 2022 - Present

Working as a mentoring chair for MEGSC. My task is to oversee the peer-mentoring program for ME grad students where we pair up first year grad students with existing grad students for guidance and advice. Organized various social events for gathering all the mentors and mentees for better connections.

ADVISOR | Student Research Council       
Sept 2019-May 2020

I worked as an advisor in the Research and Affairs Council which was a part of the student body and I was responsible to assist the student research secretary. During our tenure, we successfully started a student research magazine, a student project funding scheme, and various technical talks/workshops for developing extra skills in students necessary for research and industries.

TREASURER | SAE Student Chapter     
May 2018-May 2019

I worked as a treasurer for our college's SAE student chapter that houses FSAE team, Aero-modeling team, and Battle Bots teams. Prepared budget at the start of the year to secure funds from the Institute. Worked to get third-party sponsors to fund the teams.

CO-HEAD | Cutting Edge Visionaries    
July 2018-May 2019

I worked as a co-head for a non-technical student club which was responsible for organizing professional CEV talks(like TED talks), weekly debates and group discussions for getting the overview  of students on world affairs.

Self-driving Cars
Programming, ML and Deep Learning
IC Engine and Motorbike Engineering workshop
  • In the winter of 2017, I took part in an 80 hour intensive internship cum training program on IC Engine and Vehicle Dynamics of motorbikes.

  • As a part of this internship, we designed the specifications for a 2 door sports coupe with emission control features, where we learned about the costing of car components, benchmarking techniques and the latest vehicle technologies.

  • I obtained an award for being the best intern amongst 80 participants of the program.

Miscellaneous courses & workshops

Darshit Patel | Pursuing MS in Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Tech | +1 (540) 824-0814

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